Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Noveling! ...without pants.

Well, Spring Break is over and I am cured of my particularly vindictive sinus infection, so now it is back to the daily grind of being an English major and aspiring author. At just-past two in the morning, I did in fact manage to finish writing chapter four of deAngelis, so that's always news of the good sort. My goal is still May 1st, to have the entire thing in its final draft. Still not entirely sure how likely that is, given the way that I've spent the last six weeks struggling through the first four chapters; the last three were spent on the fourth chapter alone.
Leonardo Di Caprio 02
I intentionally left my computers in my room when I went home for vacation, knowing that the best way for me to get past a rut in a scene or a chapter is to just walk away from it for a while - I've never been one of those people who can just "skip it" and then go back to it later; I always feel as if I'm trying to pretend the entire scene or chapter just didn't happen.

Here's my Spring Break, in a nutshell: working at Dairy Queen for a little over fifteen hours, getting foot rubs from Adam, going to see Shutter Island with Adam (which, long story short, we decided to give 4/5, Leonardo diCaprio has really improved since being king of the dorks), watching cartoon with Alek, and sitting around the new condo crocheting granny squares in psychedelic colors. The only words that I wrote the entire time were in my personal journal, which I'm not sharing here. Also I went to see my mom and that wasn't really that exciting, but all things considered it definitely could have been worse, given that the woman is batshit insane.

At any rate, more work on deAngelis tomorrow after class and gym and hot tub.

Anyone have a good cure for chronic heartburn?
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Having Withstood the Plague...

I now seem to be suffering from some variant of the black lung, meaning that I'm more or less barely surviving these lovely little coughing fits that probably ought to be breaking me in half but for whatever reason aren't. They do, however, sufficiently unsettle everyone around me. Since being out of my room for any extended length of time left me feeling faint and especially unwell, I didn't attend any of my classes on Monday. I fully intended to go today, but apparently my body had other ideas - almost immediately after breakfast I passed out again for four hours and slept through my two classes for the day. One can only hope that I am sufficiently recovered by now.

Apparently the runt of the Guild took off an older vampire's hand at the Requiem event that I was talking about last time (and actually did manage to go to, although staying in bed probably would have been the better idea, physically). I'm not sure if I want to giggle over this or facepalm.

Didn't go to Geekercise today because of aforementioned black lung. Apparently without me to lead them, nobody else went either. Which tells you exactly who the Guild mom is. :-P

I did stumble across some fairly amusing things over the interwebs while I was incarcerated in my room with a fever that eventually spiked to 101.6 (finally, I'm back at my normal 96.5). I'm still trying to convince Adam that under no circumstances will we ever dress our future daughter up like this, but the fact of the matter is that even though I staunchly refuse, I can't help but want to high-five her mom (or her dad, I guess).

Anyone whose had a conversation with me for longer than ever would probably never hear me mention steampunk. Most people don't even really know that I kind of drool over steampunk fasion in a moderate sort of way, and the only indication that I even know what it is happens to be a necklace I got off Etsy (right) that I rarely wear because, let's face it, steampunk doesn't go well with Iron Man t-shirts. However, try not to be too surprised when I say that I would kill for a pair of these. I mean seriously. Here's hoping they're still available over the summer when I actually have a decent amount of cash to throw away on stupid crap things that are awesome.

As for cool things that have nothing to do with steampunk, I have actually discovered a few. There's a stop-motion video that I came across while screwing around on the internet, and it's pretty clever - actually made me smile. Also, cookies. Who couldn't love that? So here's a link to that.

Jason has a new video, which I'm just going to go ahead and embed because he's awesome and I like to show off that I actually know how to use a computer. As I understand it, it's something he did for one of his classes or summat. Reminds me a bit of Robert Osborne, which I guess would make sense. So here's that.

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